GLI-METRO GNSS Smart Amplifier Repeater

GLI-METRO GNSS "Smart" Amplifier Repeater Kit

Product Information

The GLI-METRO GNSS Smart Amplifier Repeater Kit from our partner GPS Source is a complete GNSS / GPS repeater system comprising: GLI-METRO-G Smart Amplifier, GNSS active antenna, GNSS passive antenna, swivel mount, pole mount, surge suppressor and cabling.

When using the GLI-METRO GNSS Smart Amplifier Repeater Kit in conjunction with an active GPS/GLONASS receive antenna, it will pass GPS/GLONASS signals inside a building, hangar, fire & rescue facility or any structure where signal is not accessible such as production/assembly lines or laboratories. It can be used in an automated test environment or in a shielded room that needs GNSS signal and is suitable for both commercial and public sectors.

The user can easily decide which signal output the GLI-METRO Smart Antenna will use to control signal power: GPS+GLONASS, GLONASS only or GPS only; reducing the need for multiple antennas, receive devices and multiple antenna runs, keeping maintenance and installation costs in control. The device also offers support for present and future GNSS signals, including Galileo.

The GLI-METRO GNSS Smart Amplifier Repeater Kit is only available to qualified parties which include the following: customers outside the USA, agencies of the US Federal Government, parties operating under the direction of the US Federal Government, parties that have received an STA or Experimental License under part 5 of the FCC rules, or parties that will be operating GPS repeaters in an anechoic chamber.

The Chronos difference

Chronos has over 35 years of unrivalled knowledge and experience in the supply and installation of GPS repeating equipment for both military and civilian applications around the world. Please contact our expert team who will be pleased to help with product advice and installation best practice for your particular requirement.

Key Features

  • Precise control over output signal level
  • High frequency selectivity - passes GPS, GLONASS & Galileo frequencies while rejecting other out-of-band signals
  • Continuous Built-in-Testing (BIT)
  • Ideal for aircraft hangars, testing GPS on manufacturing or assembly lines, R&D facilities, any automated test environment or anechoic chamber
  • Use for any GNSS retransmission / GPS repeating applications